Autowatch Ghost

The most advanced Can-Bus Immobiliser


Looking to secure your vehicle but simply don't know what to do for the best? The Ghost immobiliser is taking the market by storm with it's advanced method of using Can-Bus data to immobilise the vehicle from starting or driving away. ( stops the vehicle from fully starting or locks the gearbox ).


The system is disarmed via the dashboard buttons, door switches or steering wheel control buttons. You can also disarm the Ghost by using your Apple iPhone. This is done by downloading an app from the itunes store which is £9.99. once downloaded you simply put the Ghost into pairing mode and it will link up with the iPhone. Meaning every time you enter your vehicle the Autowatch Ghost will disarm without pressing buttons.


The Ghost system is very secure because no one can trace any wiring back from an LED for example making it un-traceable. The Autowatch Ghost is an undetectable immobiliser which stops anyone knowing your vehicle is protected by the Ghost. The Ghost immobiliser offers excellent security but it also features a service mode. This allows you to start the vehicle every time without entering a pin code. But if the vehicle exceeds the speed of 31 mph the vehicle will be immoiblised the next time the ignition is switched off. The Service mode is a great feature because a car dealership will know they can't take your vehicle on a fast test drive. Giving you complete piece of mind when getting your performance vehicle serviced.


We are fully certified dealers in Essex to fit the Autowatch Ghost at your home or workplace. You can call us on 07525 068291 to book your appointment.